The Four Roles

A Champion is both someone who stands in the gap and intercedes for others, as well as an advocate. We are called to intercede for one another in prayer, to lift up those suffering, sick, and lost. We are also called to be ambassadors for the Kingdom of God and His Church. A Champion embodies the Vision, Values, and Mission of Christ Harbor while living a life of prayer and intercession for others.

A Coach not only teaches, but exemplifies, empowers, corrects, and affirms. A Coach has a vested interest in the success of the ones they lead. They inform and teach while being a living example. They give those they lead the opportunity to practice what they are learning, giving correction when needed and affirming what is done right. They also empower through increasing levels of independence and responsibility as competence is gained. Coaching is one of the best ways to understand how to make disciples because there is direct investment and hands-on engagement.

Every person is created on purpose, with a purpose that can only be known and activated when that person is in Christ. Everyone who is in Christ then is called to live out that purpose and to contribute to the body of Christ as God has empowered them. There are no consumers in Christ’s body. Each receives what they need from Him, but so that they may make the contribution they are intended for. We contribute from all that we are and all that we have. This includes our gifts and abilities, our time and prayers, our presence, and our treasures.

We are called to come alongside others in their pain and hardships. As James tells us, simply saying be well to someone lacking basic needs is useless. Just as Christ joined us in our brokenness, we, too, are called to enter into the lives of others facing brokenness and suffering. However, just as Christ did so in order to lead us out of brokenness and into wholeness, so too are we called to encourage others toward the healing and wholeness that only comes in Christ. Enabling continued brokenness is not love in any true sense.