Small Groups

Types of Small Groups

Life Groups

Life Groups are long-term groups formed to create intentional Christian Community. Through the ups and downs and various stages of life, Life Groups provide an anchor, a safe haven, and a family to walk through the happiest and hardest moments with.

Formation Groups

Formation Groups are short-term groups formed to bring about focused growth through the intentional development of a spiritual discipline, an area of scriptural or biblical knowledge, or practical skill. Formation Groups have defined beginnings and ends, and are all about intentional growth and formation.

Covenant Groups

Covenant Groups pray together and for one another, read scripture, and confess their failings to one another. These ‘bands’ of 4-6 people are designed for either men or women to meet weekly for support, encouragement, and accountability in the pursuit of holiness of heart and life. The goal of a Covenant Group is to help you grow deeper in your relationship with God and one another.